Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 1 5-09-11

82 days before my wedding and I have decided I am in dire need of losing weight. I stepped onto the scale today and 201 stared back at me :( I am only 5 feet tall, so with that weight basically an ompa lumpa. Attractive I think not. Now I know with with just over 2 months until the big day this doesn't leave me much time to lose a lot of weight but I've got to lose some. I feel awful about myself yet I have no motivation. The this is when I look in the mirror I do not see a 5'0" 200lb. girl, I see this person I want to be. So how do I go from this vision to the real one and get motivated to lose this weight???? I will somewhat answer my own question... 1. Baby steps...try losing just a few pounds a week and not try for instant results... 2. Exercise... at least a little everyday!!!!!

Current weight 200lbs :(

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